Introducing DATEX II Version 3

With the rapidly accelerating digitalization and automation of the ITS domain, the urgency to ensure consistency on the information level becomes more and more obvious. The more or less linear world of ITS is transforming into a world in which all actors exchange information with each other because the roles of data collectors, data processors …

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D2Light App Launch!

In many countries the need for a detailed information model is recognised and properly reflected by DATEX II. However, this level of detail is perceived as complex and heavy for relative simple information services that are supported by app developers. D2Light is an alternative for road operators to open up their data to app developers …

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At the last SG (Steering Group) meeting, organised on the 15th and 16th of February in Utrecht, the Netherlands, the DATEX II PSA Cooperation Agreement was signed for the maintenance and further development of DATEX II for the provision of interoperable Intelligent Transport Systems and Services for road transport The purpose of this Agreement is to establish …


DATEX II 2018 Forum Announcement

We are happy to announce the 5th DATEX II 2018 Forum on the 23rd and 24th of May 2018, to be held at the LEF Future Center of RIjkswaterstaat in Utrecht, the Netherlands! Please refer to the official DATEX II 2018 Forum event website for more information.

ITS ENABLED BY DATEX II – invitation to the DATEX II side-event

DATEX II will consult its own Stakeholder Advisory Board (STAB). This high level board consists of external stakeholders (key public or private organizations with a stake in the DATEX maintenance and developments. Stakeholders with a wide range of competences were invited to meet in Strasbourg (EU ITS Platform, CEDR, ASECAP, TISA, ERTICO, POLIS, Google, TomTom, …

ITS ENABLED BY DATEX II – invitation to the DATEX II side-event Read More »

DATEX II teams up with the European ITS Platform towards improved standards

The knowledge of the data-exchange requirements from various institutional users is essential for taking them into the loop of the future standardisation process. It is the reason why the European ITS Platform is performing an action called: “Liaison and harmonization on interfaces for data exchange” (Sub-Activity 4.5).  This action targets two main objectives: One of …

DATEX II teams up with the European ITS Platform towards improved standards Read More »

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