DATEX II CEN standardisation progress and roadmap

NAPCORE DATEX II continues its efforts in contributing to standardisation at CEN, focusing on the CEN 16157 series which defines the DATEX II data content models and their mapping to XML and JSON.

Recent updates

We recently delivered updates to CEN TS 16157-8 (with updates to urban extensions, traffic management plans and enhanced rerouting) and CEN TS 16157-13 (device status and faults) for CEN formal vote. The content corresponds to DATEX II release v3.5, to be published this month. The release will also contain a first version of a new JSON mapping, which compiles with C# and Java.

Planned for later in 2024 is an update to the content of CEN TS 16157-11 (traffic regulations) which will correspond to DATEX II release v3.6. In parallel, we are working on the next major release—version 4. The roadmap below offers insights into the timeline for the next releases.

Development of Version 4

Version 4 will enhance support for APIs and messaging and improve many of the original v3 content models, which have been stable since 2018. First comes the update to the modelling methodology defined in EN 16157-1, which has been submitted for the CEN “Enquiry” stage. Together with the methodology, updated models for traffic situations (EN 16157-3), location referencing (EN 16157-2) and common data elements (EN 16157-7) will form DATEX II release v4.0. With two rounds of CEN review, this release is scheduled for 2025.

Roadmap – CEN standards revision cycle

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