Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI)
Check out our documentation page for the SRTI Recommended Reference Profiles which are available in the DATEX II webtool > step 3 (Profile Selection).
The DATEX II user domain – SRTI – is intended for various stakeholders involved in the provision, dissemination and utilisation of safety-related traffic information. By utilising the DATEX II standard, stakeholders can exchange standardised safety-related traffic information, enhancing situational awareness, improving road safety and supporting effective incident management and response.
Delegated Regulation 886/2013
For Delegated Regulation 886/2013 (Action C), the SRTI Reference Profiles include all events flagged as SRTI-related across the EU. Stakeholders are encouraged to publish relevant information according to the SRTI Reference Profile. The profile ensures that data categories from Delegated Regulation 886/2013 are clearly identifiable and assigned to specific data elements, supporting harmonised modeling and data exchange. This alignment is critical for meeting the requirements of the regulation.
SRTI categories
On our DATEX II documentation page, Recommended Reference Profiles are available for the various SRTI categories. Every stakeholder in Europe is required to make SRTI information accessible on a National Access Point (NAP). The various SRTI categories are:
(a) Temporary slippery road
(b) Animals, people, obstacles, or debris on the road
(c) Unprotected accident area
(d) Short-term road works
(e) Reduced visibility
(f) Wrong-way driver
(g) Unmanaged blockage of a road
(h) Exceptional weather conditions
DATEX II issue tracker for issues related to the DATEX II standard