ITS ENABLED BY DATEX II – invitation to the DATEX II side-event

DATEX II will consult its own Stakeholder Advisory Board (STAB). This high level board consists of external stakeholders (key public or private organizations with a stake in the DATEX maintenance and developments.

Stakeholders with a wide range of competences were invited to meet in Strasbourg (EU ITS Platform, CEDR, ASECAP, TISA, ERTICO, POLIS, Google, TomTom, TM2.0, TN-ITS, CLARS Platform, C2C, ETSI, C-Roads etc). The Board provides a platform to disseminate knowledge and receive feedback on new developments and dovetail on relevant issues or new developments. 

The objective of the side-event is to find out how DATEX II enables ITS services and how stakeholders can benefit from this. It will be an informal and convivial gathering, providing participants with insight into the benefits of a liaison between them and DATEX II. DATEX II experts will bring an untraditional and interactive session, drinks and snacks included. 

The European ITS Platform recognizes the importance and added value of DATEX II as the information model for road traffic and travel information in Europe. Relationships and cooperation between EU ITS Platform and DATEX II PSA were launched and are ruled by a specific Memorandum of Understanding

Attendance to the workshop will require that you register as a visitor to the Congress Exhibition which is for free until June 15th. 

Please register at

From June 16th an Exhibition pass will cost €25.

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